Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Lower Minimum Wage? LB599

LB 599 is a bill that sets a new definition of a Young Student Worker. A worker younger than 18 years of age could be a lesser minimum wage than the original wage voted upon. The Nebraska minimum wage recently increased with the citizen of Nebraska strongly behind it. The bill will allow employers to pay this employee a minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Once a young student worker graduates from or permanently ceases his or her high school education program, they must be paid the full statutory state minimum wage.

Our stance on this is opposition due to these reasons:
  •   Employers would show a preference towards younger minors as opposed to adults.
    •    As an employer, would you choose 2 seventeen year olds you can pay less or a 30 year old single mother?
    • The bill aims to make jobs more available to adults and take young people out of the job circuit. We feel the opposite affect would occur.
  •  Makes making ends meet for lower income families more difficult
    •  If a young adult's income contributes to the family income, the family will lose money due to the age of the young adult. This may limit the school activities the student can participate in due to increasing the number of work hours in order to make ends meet.
  • Will influence dropout rates
    • Teens will feel the need to drop out of school in order to work more hours, especially if faced with the challenges of teen pregnancy
  •  Every demographic is affected
    • While the youth are directly affected, adult will also be affected due to potential job loss that went to a younger generation
  • People that are directly affected by this bill are not able to vote for representatives that will represent them fairly and needless to say they don’t have a say in the bill.
    • This bill directly affects people younger than 18 years old; people who have little say in the government yet.

What is your stance on this bill? Should young people holding jobs earn less than adults working the same job? Comment Below!

This reflects the view of the Governor's Youth Advisory Council members and may not reflect the view of Governor Ricketts. Please contact the Governor's office for his official stance. 

1 comment:

  1. I think they should have a lower min. wage I am a project everlast memeber and I also happen to be a C.N.A and high school students working at mcdonalds amd walmart are getting paid 12-13 dollars an hour high school students don't have bills to pay and if they do its not much and their income isn't put in to their families income by law it can't be until the age of 18 so I strongly disagree with your guys opinion. High school students don't have to pay for much let them start from the bottom like we did why have the new and up coming generations have lots of money so they can blow it on stuff they think they need they don't need much gas money and money to do stuff they could ger by with a 200-300 dollar pay check ever 2 weeks
